Along with the price list and a complete demo version of the system, our download-offer also provides a great deal of additional information about the Orgasoft.NET/ORGASOFT NT merchandise management system.
Are you a specialist retailer or interested in marketing our products? Then please get in touch with us via the contact form or contact our sales department.
File | Description | Type | Size |
TV15-Customer | Teamviewer-Support and Presentation-Module for Online-Meetings and remote Support | [LINK] | 9,2MB |
Orgasoft.NET AddIns (free of charge)
File | Description | Type | Size |
ProgramLauncher | With this AddIN you can include any applications by expanding the menu of Orgasoft. | ZIP | 0,5MB |
Iban-Bic-Converter | The AddIn converts the existing bank accounts into the IBAN and BIC format | ZIP | 0,5MB |
BackgroundImageSlider | With this AddIn you can display selectable, changing images between the ribbon and the statusbar on the complete workspace of Orgasoft.NET | ZIP | 0,5MB |
File | Description | Type | Size |
System requirements | System requirements of Orgasoft.NET for Server- and Single-user-installation | 0,5MB | |
Brochure |
ORGASOFT NT - inventory management system |
1,8MB |