About Signum

Our core competency lies in the integration of ERP systems into a company's existing organizational structures. This is the case even if heterogeneous periphery systems are being used. More than 50 interfaces to POS systems from various manufacturers bear witness to our years of unique experience in this area.

At Signum, we offer turnkey project processing when implementing our solutions; more than 1,000 installations guarantee our substantiated experience to our customers. Our services include turnkey installation, staff training and establishment of closed ERP systems with the guarantee of a timely production launch.

Logo der Signum GmbH, Warenwirtschaftssysteme für Einzelhandel und GastronomieOur clients range from small retail businesses and restaurants to medium-sized franchises that combine both business types.

Signum owes its success to a strategy of enhancing a software platform with industry-specific functions, allowing even diverse product ranges to be fully supported by a single database. Find examples of these solutions at the Signum Village.

However, it is not just the software that adapts its size and functions to your personal requirements. Since we focus on customer-specific problems, and not on individual software or hardware products, Signum offers mature all-round solutions that are not just restricted to the core area of ERP software, but can also cover the associated hardware components - from mobile data collection devices to POS systems and label printers.

Furthermore, we pay great attention to the continuous development of our software. Constantly changing market conditions make it necessary to customize solutions quickly in order to allow users of Signum products to maintain their competitive edge.

Signum offers software upgrade plans that give users the advantage of always being able to work with the newest version. In addition, users have access to our qualified 24/7 hotline, which can quickly react to all your questions and problems via remote access.

Our service concept is complemented by annual user forums, where upgrades and problems with Signum products are analyzed and discussed.




Signum GmbH
Kasinostraße 2
DE-64293 Darmstadt, Germany

Tel: +49 (6151) 15 18 - 0
Fax: +49 (6151) 15 18 - 100